Species Hunting

This blog will record my fishing progress via the REPORTS tag, list marks fished through the VENUES tag, and may also help you identify your own catch through the SPECIES tag on the right hand side of the webpage.

2013 - 32 species : 2012 - 32 species : 2011 - 33 species : 2010 - 33 species : 2009 - 35 species : 2008 - 46 species : 2007 - 46 species : 2006 - 35 species : 2005 - 36 species

Friday 15 February 2008

Milford Haven, Shark Trip September '07

5 mates and myself booked the Celtic Wildcat (Neyland) for a days shark fishing last September, and following an early start, we steamed off to the Hatts & Barrells Reef to stock up on fresh mackerel for the chum. While feathering for the mackerel, a number of other species took a liking to out hokkaiis - codling, pollack, whiting, pouting, poor cod, launce, lesser weever, amongst others.

We arrived at our chosen spot, after mashing the mackerel for a good half hour or so, and the engines were switched off and the chum bags hurled over the side. A rod each with a flapper suspended under a balloon quickly followed.

We didn't have to wait long for the 1st run, and yes - it was my rod that was clicking!

So I struck into my 1st ever shark, and after a good hard struggle, brought it to the side of the boat. A blue shark of about 60lb, but in the struggle to tail the fish, it decided that it had had enough and spat the hook. Gutted I didn't get a picture of the it!

It went quiet for a while but the slick was obviously working as another rod started to click, indicating another run. Mark was into a fish.

Which turned out to be his 1st Porbeagle shark.....

......and went 67lb on the chart.

We did have another run, but unfortunately didn't connect with the fish. We wound in our lines and headed back home. A cracking day out.

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